Range: You can key in up to 32 characters (case sensitive) The service set identifier (SSID) identifies the specific wireless network that you want to access.

Table 5-1 Client Adapter Configuration Parameters Note The security parameters (Network Security Type, WEP, User Name, User Password, User Domain, PAC Provisioning Mode, and PAC Authority) are listed at the end of the table because they require further action. Follow the instructions in the table to initially set or change any parameters. Step 2 Table 5-1 lists and describes the client adapter's configuration parameters.

The Value box can appear as a drop-down menu with several possible values from which to choose or as a blank field in which characters are to be entered. The Property box lists the configuration parameters that can be changed, and the Value box contains the highlighted parameter's current value. Step 1 When you create or select a profile on the Profiles screen and tap the Edit button, the Properties screen appears (see Figure 5-1). Note If you do not change any of the configuration parameters, the default values are used. Follow these steps to access the Properties screen and complete the configuration process. This screen enables you to set the configuration parameters for that profile.

When you choose to create a new profile or edit an existing profile on the Profiles screen, the Properties screen appears with the name of your profile in quotation marks. Disabling LEAP, EAP-FAST, or Host-Based EAP Configuring Your Client Adapter.The following topics are covered in this chapter:
This chapter explains how to change the configuration parameters for a specific profile.